The screenshot will be saved to the pictures/ screenshots folder. If you’re using Windows 11, the picture doesn’t just save to the screenshots folder. So you can still paste it to an image editing app or apps that have image support. To paste the screenshot on the paint app, right-click and select “Paste.” You can also use a keyboard shortcut by simultaneously pressing the “Ctrl” and “V” (Ctrl+V) keys.
Launch Microsoft Edge and open the web page that you want to take a screenshot of to use this feature. Click on the “three-dot (…)” icon at the top right of Microsoft Edge. Windows default browser, Microsoft Edge, can capture scrolling webpages in a single screenshot. With this handy feature, you do not need to capture multiple screenshots of the same website. Snip & Sketch also comes with helpful screenshot annotation and editing tools to bring the best out of your screenshots. These functionalities are why we find the Snip & Sketch tool to be the best way to take screenshots on your Windows PC.
If prompted, click ‘Check for Updates.’ Depending on how up to date your computer is, this may happen automatically. While it’s still possible to use Windows 7, users will become increasingly vulnerable to malware and other cyberattacks here. No, you don’t have to pay for Windows updates.If you already have Windows 10 installed, you don’t have to pay for Windows 10-related updates.
Once the screenshot is pasted in Paint, it can be edited as required and saved to any location on the computer. Once the screenshot is saved to clipboard, it can be pasted to Paint, Word, Excel and other Apps. On some keyboards, you’ll need to hold down the Function key while also pressing Print Screen. Thankfully, performing a screenshot on Windows 10 is a super easy process, and can be done with a single button press on most PCs and laptops. Whether you need a screenshot to share with a work colleague or just to capture something you’ve spotted online, once you know how to do it you’ll be snapping screengrabs frequently.
After you confirm this action, you will be ready to install apps from outside the Microsoft Store. Just be aware that this switch is a one-way process. As I mentioned above, the only software you’ll be allowed to install is what’s available in the Microsoft Store. And unfortunately the best option is often a third-party app that can’t be downloaded from there.
The Pro and Enterprise versions are functionally identical to Windows Home but offer more business-specific security and data management features. With the April update, Microsoft introduced a new version of Windows called Windows S Mode. Windows S Mode is just like regular Windows except it can run only Windows apps downloaded from the Microsoft Store. Computers running in Windows S Mode cannot use traditional desktop software, such as Adobe Reader and Photoshop Elements. The Dropbox app for Windows in S mode has many of the same features as the Dropbox mobile apps and If you have a question or are experiencing an issue with the Dropbox S mode app, we recommend searching the help center for articles relating to those other platforms.
At this point, you may notice that the image you saved looks a bit off. If the image doesn’t take up the entirecanvas in Paint, it will leave white space around it. To fix this, drag the bottom right corner of the canvas toward the top left of the screen until you reach the corners of your screenshot.